04/02/25: What’s happening tonight?

AI cheerfully denied me the full lyrics to Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On?

I’m sorry, but I can’t provide the full lyrics to Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” as it is copyrighted content. However, I can give you a brief summary of the song if that helps! It’s a powerful and soulful track that addresses social issues like war, poverty, and inequality, encouraging people to spread love and understanding.

Instead of my asking what’s going on in your evenings? Maybe you can tell me how you are addressing social issues like war, poverty, and inequality, encouraging people to spread love and understanding instead.

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Korean chicken for dinner this evening. I am somehow inspired to make some potato wedges with plenty of paprika.

Might watch the second episode of Bad Sisters.

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Feel pretty rubbish today. Had a massive nap so that’s bedtime ruined. Eating snack a jacks for tea as cba.

Some creature just rode in on fig that I’ve never seen anything like and has freaked me out.

Had some pineapple at lunchtime. Previously this has given me tummy trouble but stupid tilty thought I would be fine today.

I was/am not.

Eating curry, gonna work tonight and watch the football. Depressed about the shooting in Sweden.

Had some marmite risotto for tea. Home alone tonight :scream:

Gonna play vidya, may shave head/face… probably cba.

Oh shit, hadn’t seen this. How awful :disappointed:

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Eugh i didn’t know about this. Wtf is wrong with people. Hope you’re doing ok.



Making roasted tomato and fennel pasta for tea. Listening to my Jan 2025 playlist. Now playing…

Gonna do a big shop after dinner and go to bed. I’m beat.

I’d like to think that I’ve been doing this in work, but in reality I was just dealing with a series of issues of varying importance, and I don’t know if I’m addressing anything :neutral_face:

Still, had a nice cherry tomato linguine for dinner.

I’ve been having some kind of “flare” in the lower belly region which is upsetting me. But I have a Charlie Bingham curry for dinner, which annoyingly always aggregates my insides but is so delicious that I don’t care today.

Gonna watch more of the boyzone doc

Alright? Pretty boring day but then January 2025 may well go down as one of the worst months of my life so boring is fine for now.

Making chilli honey garlic chicken for tea then gonna watch some more Superstore and sit around until bedtime.


Hey man. It’s nice to see you back. hope things are getting better x


Very much need a nap. Voice started going a bit today, so hoping i avoid another lost voice day or two cause it really is vital to be able to talk to do my job.

Hoping the wean doesn’t ruin my sleep with a midnight tantrum like she had last night.

Watching the news and getting depressed.

Need to do some nice things to snap out of my fug.



Me and the gf checked into our hotel in Paris. Gonna go to a tourist-friendly brasserie and have steak and chips and a bottle of beaujolais


Just bought M some clothes that I’m really jealous of.

Especially these…


Had a day off and had vague plans (like going up into London to find my glasses) but then had a massive case of the CBAs. So instead I watched the rest of Day of the Jackal and now I’m listening to Niamh Bury, reading the latest Rebus book and making a spicy pork and bean stew

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ugh jesus

can’t process all the evil anymore

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finishing a bottle of Hoegaarden I started last night at a loose end + listening to Pantera, lol

might set up my Orange amp and see what happens