A Dark Souls Thread ft. Bloodborne and, begrudgingly, Sekiro (2020 4 phase boss fight mix ft. McGarnagle stomping Bloodborne in his sleep)

There’s an occult weapon you pick up somewhere that can be downgraded to a faith weapon if you need one. Sorry for the vague.

In the shade, (Londor pale) shade

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Made some progress with a Bloodborne, beat the three yharnam druids earlier in the forest, was laughing/screaming in frustration my first few attempts but got a strategy down in the end and took em down with my big ol spear. That whole forest area felt the most Dark Souls to me, reminded me a bit of the forest area with the cat covenant (but obvs a fair bit bigger and with weirder enemies!)

Also earlier in the week found that massive ladder that leads up to the very beginning/back entrance of Ioesfka’s clinic, very cool moment that.


Having a horrible time fighting the Martyr Logarius. Must have died at least 20 times and I keep having to do farming runs to get more blood vials every so often.

I’ve worked out how to get him into his second state but as soon as that happens he stabs his sword into the ground and I just get attacked by flying swords until either they or he kills me. I’ve sometimes been able to hit the sword but he normally just does the ground stab thing again.

Having a mare. Urgh.



Just got the Platinum on Dark Souls. Now trying to explain to my girlfriend that this isn’t actually the end as I’ve already finished the game twice to get this far and I’ll probably finish it at least once more with this guy before I start a magic user…


Returned to Nito today with a divine weapon and finally took him down. Two Lord Souls down, two to go. Thanks.


Which 2?

The Bed of Chaos and the Four Kings are who I have left to find.

God I really want a toaster bonus right now

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Irythll of the Boreal Valley is freaking me out by being far too reasonable. Had to stop playing because it was too tense waiting for something to jump up and turn me inside out.

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Make sure you do the DLC before you finish. Best bosses in the game.


Don’t think this will be everyone’s cup of tea, especially if you don’t like your average twitch streamer, but I enjoyed this short series of vids. Essentially a playthrough where all items, enemies and bosses are randomized, so you get things and people turning up where they shouldn’t be. The Undead Burg becomes a completely hilarious mess.

Thanks, I might try tackling that before I go for the last two Lord Souls.

If I’m at the bottom of blight town but also cursed, should I go all the way back up to get it sorted out or can I live with half health whilst doing everything I need to?

(I don’t like blighttown and I have no idea where I’m supposed to go now I’m at the bottom)

Don’t know how much of a spoiler you want but there’s a back way up to the top. I’d recommend getting a purging stone before taking on the boss.

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^This. The boss of that area may well be doable with half health but you’d have to be pretty damn good to pull it off…

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Is it on that stupid rickety lift?


Yep. Just keep going up :slightly_smiling_face:

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