A reluctant thread about Olly Murs

its the twatty wave at the end that does me

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Lives very near me (or at least used to) and has been a miserable shit whenever I’ve seen him. Talentless shitehawk love child of Robbie Williams and Dermot O’Leary.

Excuse me? He can fart his own name


Lost a lot of respect for a lot of people in this poll.

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I want to believe


‘It’s a VIDEO, mate’

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‘lost’ implies he wasn’t talking about you dw


just slinging everything into the boot, no bags, what the fuck

he may hate cyclists but he still loves the environment

It’s only motorcyclists he hates. He’s fine

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Need more reluctant threads about minor celebrities imo

Partly feels too weird to make up, also feels like if it was made up they’d have used a celebrity with a more readily fartable name, like Mark Ruffalo.

I’ve asked him on Twitter

Any response yet?

Amazingly, no.

‘Injured again’


Lyrics to his latest song are horrific!

Oh shit that was his song! I only saw the screenshot from Genius and wrongly assumed it was some Nu American Country bollocks that isn’t to be paid attention to at the best of times and got on with my day.

Yeah he co wrote it apparently. They think it’s okay to play on daytime radio!?!

Track off an album called “Marry Me”. Also listened to it last night and I was close when I called it Nu American Country bollocks.

How nobody at the record label at least tried to stop it is beyond me. He can’t have that much clout to force stuff out.