The Replacements
- Tim
- Let It Be
- Other
0 voters
Sufjan Stevens
- Illinois
- Seven Swans
- Age of Adz
- Carrie & Lowell
0 voters
The Replacements
0 voters
Sufjan Stevens
0 voters
I couldn’t pick a favourite between Illinois, Age of Adz and Carrie & Lowell. Three very different but (imo) excellent albums.
can you see the poll?
I like whichever Christmas album has Sister Winter on it best. But as it can only be listened to one month a year, Michigan gets my vote.
What poll? (no)
That would be Peace! Which also features the excellent “Get Behind Me, Santa”… personally, Hark is my favourite. Saturday is Christmas Decorations Day in the CCB household so we’ll be sticking on some Sufjan and the Low Christmas album as every proper indie bellend dad should.
The Hold Steady
0 voters
I’d have voted for Stay Positive if it was there. It does not deserve to be lumped in with Heaven is Whenever and Teeth Dreams.
you should’ve voted for it then
And give credence to your absurd claim that I’m “objectively wrong”? Never!
Boys & Girls > Stay Positive > Separation Sunday > Almost Killed Me > the other two
Death Cab[poll max=8 public=true]
I love Plans, It seems to have its own sound and theme running through it and so many heartbreaking moments
RIGHT? Owen thinks I’m mental for liking it more than Transatlanticism but as well as being brilliant it is also the record that got me into them. I do love everything they’ve released since and including Transatlanticism though. I think Kintsugi is particularly strong, too.
The Beatles
0 voters
Pretty pissed off about this
The last three songs on Plans are just devastating. Think it’s the only Death Cab album I REALLY like.