A thread to compile an updated list of DiS acronyms, abbreviations and slang

EDIT: a revision to a post made in the brief window after submitting the post and editing no longer being possible.

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Thanks @colon_closed_bracket, these were the kind of things I was blanking on. I was just about to go into a random old day or evening thread to look for common things.

Le Tournoi: where two or three people make the same response in quick succession, someone responds with Le Tournoi. (Citation needed)

X years old, Y was: (if someone could do an intelligible definition of this it would be great, mine rambled to much).

Walked in on some unexpected beeves?

Can someone explain ‘eggs’? (As used in the thread tagging).

Someone used it on one of the first threads of newdis I think, probably one about breakfast or food or something, just absurd to attach it to other threads and so has naturally snowballed into the most popular tag.


a joke used in response to a user describing something they did as a child to make it sound like they were an adult.

for a more in depth explanation see here:

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working from home


It’s a wiki so anyone can edit it

I thought of those last night but I have no idea what they mean or where they come from.

Oh man that’s wassup!

Another vote for Davidoff Cool Wiki