Annoying things people say (polls)

Working things (specifically “this motherfucker” or “dat ass”) is a key tenet of the ghetto house genre, so this can stay.

“Everything happens for a reason!”

  • Annoying
  • Don’t Mind
  • I Say This

0 voters

Oh I’m fine with it I’m afraid

When something good happens to someone and they say they “manifested” it

  • Annoying
  • Fine
  • I say this

0 voters

‘Adult’ as a verb

  • Annoying
  • Fine
  • I say this

0 voters

Edit: Beaten! Going to extend it to nouns as verbs in general (ex: “now that is how you hotel” , etc.)

  • Annoying
  • Don’t Mind
  • I Say This

0 voters

I’d assume the latter was a genuine mistake I think.

It’s been popping up in a lot of ad campaigns in the US, I always end up yelling at the tv.

Depends, I’ve got into the habit of saying I’m Sundaying it up if I’m having a lazy Sunday in bed, doing a bit of Mondaying if I’m making a batch cooked recipe and watching University Challenge, etc

“Oh, you know, a bit of everything really. Mostly stuff with guitars though”
  • Annoying
  • Fine
  • I say this

0 voters

Are you aware of the word “cheugy”? Because adult as a verb is peak cheugy.


I am but I wish I wasn’t.

Oh I’m a big fan, it was nice learning that there was a word for something I had observed but was struggling to define.

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When did we decide to bring back ‘people who’ threads? Rife atm


Annoying and also very very untrue. It’s just a bunch of stuff that happens.

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I think this is judging the action rather than the person. Good people can say annoying things.

X sleeps until (random event)

  • Annoying
  • Fine
  • I say this

0 voters

I use this in work settings cause it just seems to be the lingo these days. Obviously don’t use it in any of my private correspondence

All threafs are ‘people who’ threads, in a way.

Better than fine

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