But I’ve not seen one this year, whats going on?
I don’t understand
Moved to the social board.
My mom and dad have had a load in their house.
The past 2 years, we’ve had loads of them coming in through the vent above one of the windows in our living room. This year? Nada.
saw a big tree at the park full of the chinese ones (great bunch of lads)
most i’ve ever seen in one place. found one in my rucksack when i got home
i’ve hardly seen any this year
Marvin Gaye was really clutching at straws when it came to writing the 10th verse
Fucking hell, mate.
There are a lot about it seems
One landed on me while I was cycling on Sunday - another landed on my daughter the other day
Our meeting rooms are PLAGUED with them (just saw a plague of three on the ceiling!)
My thread is about me not seeing any, yours is about seeing loads
They come inside at this time of year. Then they die. Then they mummify. Then I step on them.
There are still two of them lying, deceased, at the bottom of the table lamp next to my sofa from last year.
really? I can’t see any here??
Went on a walk in Somerset on Sunday and we were all covered in ladybirds for most of it. True story.