AQOS end of 2018 2-part special!

Hello all, the quiz is back! Always wanted to do this. Before anybody asks, yes it is legitimate, I’ve asked for permission from @laelfy and I don’t plan on being banned anytime soon.

Instructions stolen from previous quizzes: For anyone who hasn’t played before - you will be given 15 questions. All you have to do is guess what the most popular answer to all the questions will be. You get the same number of points per question as the total number of people who gave the same answer as you. For example if the question is " Name a soft drink" and 100 people including you said “Coca-cola” you would get 100 points. The fiendish rule is - if no one else answers the same as you, you will be deducted the number of points that the top answer scored. The person with the most points wins

To play: simply send me a private message requesting the questions, and return your answers to me (written plainly, no numbers or bullets) before the deadline (below). Please do not discuss the questions elsewhere until the answers have been revealed. The quiz is at it’s most competitive when people don’t use outside help; the “no googling” rule has been relaxed in recent years but I personally take a dim view of such activity.

The important part; to ease people back in, the deadline for the answers will be 11.59 p.m. on Wednesday the 5th of December, with the answers coming Thursday the 6th at 1.30 p.m. The following edition will be Christmas themed, and will occur on a date chosen by an upcoming poll.

It is always most enjoyable with many participants; so I encourage both veterans and newbies to get involved.

I hope I haven’t missed anything out, please inform me if I have. @moderators is it possible to stick threads these days? If not, I’ll just be bumping this daily. Happy qvizzing!



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Snow is falling all around me

Children playing, having fun

It’s the season

Love and understanding

Merry Quizmas everyone


INdescribably happy about the quiz being back

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I DID MY QUIZ FOR IN barumpa pum pum


Just had a thought, with a number of people getting involved and with most of the weekend to go, is the quiz too far away? Poll below

  • Stick to deadline Wednesday 05/12 and answers 06/12
  • Move to deadline 28/11 and answers 29/11

0 voters

Step INto Quizmas!


QUIZmas wrappINg


in in in in

Once IN Royal David’s City

I would like to joIN the quiz thanks

I’ve messaged those in this thread who’ve asked to be included but haven’t messaged me… except I can’t do that for you due to your privacy status. Send me a PM to get the ball rolling :slight_smile:

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Not sure how I’ve set that up to be like that, PM sent

I’ll give this poll until tomorrow… but I think I’ll need more than a majority of 55% to change the date. It is a wait…but gives me plenty of time to drum up interest and get a good turnout (already got some first time quizzers!)

It says your profile is hidden?

I don’t remember clicking that option, but I have now unchecked the box

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IN. Going to completely screw this up.

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