Back by popular demand, with a new host for this one-off special.
For anyone who hasn’t played before - you will be given 15 questions. All you have to do is guess what the most popular answer to all the questions will be, kind of like Family Fortunes, only with DiSers.
You get the same number of points per question as the total number of people who gave the same answer as you. For example if the question is:
“Name a soft drink”
and 82 people including you said:
you would get 82 points.
The person with the most points after all 15 answers have been revealed wins the AQoS crown and the undying respect of your peers.
For those that have played before, I have done away with the Fiendish Single Rule. This is pure AQoS, the original and the best.
The 1st Rule Of AQoS is… No discussing the questions/answers on here!
The 2nd Rule Of AQoS is… (etc etc)
Googling is permissible.
How to play:
SEND ME A PM to receive the questions and then send the answers back by 5PM TUESDAY 31ST MARCH.
The answers and winner will be announced from lunchtime onwards on FRIDAY 3RD APRIL.
Good luck AQoSers!