Are you scared of electricity?

Very weirdly scared of static shocks. They don’t hurt that much and they don’t happen that often but I will go to daft lengths to avoid touching metal door handles, lift buttons etc. directly

I’ve only done it the once, grabbed it with both hands at the same time.

I switch pretty much everything off if I’m not using it, including the kettle, toaster and oven. Don’t charge anything overnight either.

Will leave the router on, and occasionally I’ll leave the dehumidifier on a timer if I’m drying clothes.

I’m more likely to turn something off at the socket because the transformer hum is annoying me than out of some misplaced fear that the electrons are going to get me in the night

Yeah we have dehumidifier battles in the winter. You can’t complain about damp and then not want the dehumidifier on overnight!

I got picked up by my parents after a night out and was steaming. Asked them to stop on the drive home as I thought I was going to chunder. They stopped by an electric fence. I did that thing where you lean over whilst holding onto something. That something was the electric fence. Nice shock through my arms. As I’d jerked backwards very quickly in a pissed state, I thought I was going to fall over, and quickly reached out to balance myself, once again holding onto the electric fence. I did this four times. What a spanner.


Two of my brothers were electrocuted when we were young. My dad (and I’ve never quite got to the bottom of the reason why) left a plug in a socket in the hall with a loose wire hanging from it. My younger brother investigated and was inevitably electrocuted, which piqued my older brother’s curiosity, and the same thing happened.

My mum was furious with my dad, which is understandable.


I’m trying to find a decent picture of the scene in the live action remake of 101 Dalmatians where Hugh Laurie fries his balls on an electric fence but would you believe it they’re aren’t many about.

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My mum and dad still bring it up, and I reckon it’ll make an appearance in a wedding speech. Sounded hilarious, but I just wanted to be sick


when I was a kid I used to have this thing where I was really worried that I would bite though electric cables. Started chewing on my megadrive controllers compulsively to see if they would kill me.

My hot water immersion tank thing (I think that’s what it is) doesn’t work properly, so every time I want hot water, which is pretty much daily, I have to remove the “do not remove” cap at the top and hit a reset switch. That’s not going to end well.

We had one out in the field behind our house pretty often. Think my brother dared me to touch it initially

You are probably better off putting your kettle in the bath and hitting boil to heat it up.

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watched my boss get 415 through him. he didn’t even fall over so it can’t be that bad.

I once stayed at an AirBnB in Gdansk which had some fuck up with the wiring, I got a shock just touching the front of the dishwasher, stayed away from the whole kitchen after that.

I remember being properly shitted up by this story (warning, it’s pretty upsetting):

jesus christ that’s awful

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I said it was upsetting :disappointed_relieved:

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We use these disposable sheets at work, they’re like fabric but are made of plastic? I ALWAYS get a massive shock after handling those and it fucking hurts.

My parents moved into a new (well, old but new to them) house about five years ago. There was an unusual bathroom downstairs. It was decided to turn it into a utility room.

Whilst dismantling the shower – and this is the bit I am unsure about – my dad said he could ‘feel’ the electricity. He called an electrician to test it and sure enough, should anyone have used it, it would’ve given them a very nasty surprise.