Are you working class, middle class or ... what?

Yes, other people saying I’m middle class because of my cultural interests is very classist, sure.


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Well, I do watch Frasier.


I’m best class


Son of a steel worker and an admin assistant. Went to a comp, first member of my family to get a degree. Enjoys the beer stylings of Budweiser and Stella Artois
Sometimes watch rugby though so squarely upper class I think? :+1:


From the “Any Other Poor People” thread:

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Middle class, utterly no doubt. Family were pretty much always OK for money.

Is lower middle class still a thing? I always used to stay that’s what I was…parents were both service industry workers, plus I’m going into healthcare also.

Find the whole thing sadly full of inverse snobbery…with many people at pains to highlight their working class roots to avoid this.

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You’re still working class if you’re a nurse, wrongton, yeah.

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dunno. parents had shit jobs? somewhere in between working and middle?

Is it just down to career though…my parents were in similar careers to myself (a teacher and a careers advisor)…but were lucky enough to be buying a house in the late 80s…so they got themselves a lovely country house in Yorkshire. So it felt a bit dishonest to say we were still “working class”.

I’m a first class, worst class, no class, muthafukka.

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Convincing a certain strata of the working class that they’re actually middle class by virtue of them working in an office and liking a bit of classical music and foreign films is one of the greatest tricks the establishment has played on the workers.

Classic divide and rule strategy.


But you do have Airdrie on your side :wink:

Airdrie was aspirational for my grandad, they lived in Plains!


I have literally no idea - most people would probably think I’m middle class but I always feel I’m not one of them around my middle class mates but equally not really one of them around my working class friends & family. Feel most at home around friends who have immigrant background (like me) and have some kind of tough working class values in their upbringing combined with some of the material trappings associated with middle classness (though that’s kinda hard to define)

it’s just a really weird concept all round isn’t it?

don’t really agree with @hip_young_gunslinger & @anon30627475’s definition there either - that’s a definition of the difference between wage labourers & capitalists not any kind of class boundary - I know plenty of working class capitalists (though admittedly fewer 100% wage-reliant proper middle class types)

Except that there are upper class people who barely have any money. Their homes are scruffy but with old stuff that was expensive when purchased new fifty or a hundred years ago. They have a large house of 15 or more rooms but live in just three rooms. I know someone who is The Right Hon whatever but who works in a pub to make money to live on, on top of her student loan, while at university. So it’s not quite so simple as money or no money.

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Class is all a load of bullshit anyway isn’t it?

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But this is what I’m talking about when I say our current notions of class revolve entirely around simple signifiers. They’ve got a title, wear tweed, say loo instead of toilet… doesn’t matter, if your precarious existence is subject to the whims of your bosses, welcome to the revolution comrade.

It will be when capitalism is smashed.