Are you working class, middle class or ... what?

ah I would probably go to a dis meat though that would be one cool improvement, no idea what the train to London costs now but I bet it’s really expensive

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that’s very sweet but it’s ok, not sure how well I’d handle the obligation to be cool and fun if that was the case.

I earn £8 an hour…but as a student nurse I’ll be on about £25,000 p.a. in a year.

I don’t own a house, I live with my partner who does

About £1000 in debt (overdraft, monthly payments)

So, idk


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the solution is full luxury communism. we have more than enough wealth to go around but capitalism and elites indoctrinate us all to think life has to be tedious and hard and horrible.

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I’m gonna caveat this by saying I’m very fortunate to be able to live at home for fuck all right now but I have felt way less anxiety since I gave up on the idea of having a future. Spent all of my teens and twenties worrying about not doing anything worthwhile with my life or progressing in a career etc. Kind of funny and tragic to think that I could have just not bothered with any of that crap.

think I’m pretty normal (read as sober) these days, love boring crap like asking people how their week has been over a coffee.

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haven’t drank any alcohol since christmas and barely drank then. I haven’t experienced any anxiety attacks since. Never would have believed alcohol was such a huge cause of my problems but I guess that’s as cliched as it gets really


sorry back to class warfare!

thankfully I don’t have to pretend to be professional or together with anyone really but I can appreciate what you mean there.

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We have a certain amount in common. For example, we were both born in the 1970s…

I can’t picture Lilo Lil but if you imagine someone who lives in a cottage on the edge of the New Forest, owns horses and land, calls dinner/tea “supper” and dresses head to toe in Boden then you’re halfway there.

oh my god :smiley: I can imagine that is a pretty cringetastic memory for both of you

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god the worst thing in my old warehouse admin job was that we stocked a bunch of posh welly boots for ludicrous rich horse/hunting people and having to call up all the hunting shops and deal with really posh people patronising me.

Yeah, no matter how much money people have most of them never seem any happier for it.

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I’ve always associated being working class with working hard for a living with no one doing you any favours, no nepotism, just hard graft. Drinking and taking drugs for a good time? You could be talking about investment bankers (of whom I know a few),

I’m somewhere in between.

Yeah, getting used to how my friends now use substances compared to my friends in my hometown was interesting. I’d sink about ten pints and then crack into whatever was going and go wild, while they’d have a beer or two, take some MDMA and hug each other. I guess I was trying to blot out something while they weren’t maybe.

I didn’t understand a word of that either.

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I need to get to my first DiS meet asap…and based on this it’d be great if you made one too