As if America needed to bomb its own people to get it to consent to war
Bloody love the stuff don’t they
I have to remember nothing you wankstain
I love the flat earthers. I’m a bit obsessed with them, ever since I tried arguing with one who was insisting that gravity isn’t a thing (the effect of gravity is caused by the flat earth constantly moving upwards, ovs).
Have you seen the latest revelation to come from Flat Earther land? Apparently THERE ARE NO TREES!
euclid was an inside job wake up treeple
man, I learnt a very long time* ago not to get sucked into silly shit like this. no good can come of it dude
*last year
Seems legit: ‘The narrator alleges that a nuclear war took place in the 19th century, that large bathtubs are proof of the technological complexities of previous ages, that volcanoes are massive slag piles boiling with reactive chemical waste.’
Still freaks my nut out
Thought they were just going to fold it so it stood up with those two bits and the set fire to it at the end