Being ill as a kid

Heinz Chicken soup, Calpol and the telly

go to grandmas to watch musicals and eat homemade chips. occasionally pop nextdoor to look at her neighbour’s shell collection.

go to nanna’s, if she was working then sit upstairs in the pub with a colouring book, a greggs pasty and free pop. if she wasn’t working, then eat homemade chips, watch reeves and mortimer on vhs and drink hot lemonade with honey in. would always remind my mam to give me calpol to take because nanna bought disprol tablets to have in for all her grandkids and inflicting that upon a child is cruel.

Marmite on toast.
Watching Rupert the Bear cartoons on TV
Being deathly bored.

:bug: :bug: :bug:

Nice routine.

From the beach or the war?


heinz tomato soup for lunch and a couple of glasses of lemonade with a teaspoon of glucose powder added.

From the Normandy landings.

u wot mate?

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Beans on toast
a 1/4lb bag of butterscotch from the newsagent (that seems like quite a lot of sugar in hindsight)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on VHS (Gene Wilder version obvs)
Neighbours at 1.50pm and then probably again at 5.30pm
Definitely very bored by mid-afternoon.

it really is

Toast and honey.

Heinz soup you poor things. Must suck to be English

Generally feeling better around the same time school would be starting.

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shell craft. ornaments made out of shells. she had hundreds of them. wonder what happened to them all after she died.

She’s got chickenpox. On our third viewing of Frozen Fever today already. Shoot me.

Staying in bed, reading books. No idea what I ate, can’t remember

My Mum’s attitude was if you’re well enough to be out of bed you’re well enough to go to school, normally with a packet of Tunes regardless of the illness

Hot milk with nutmeg

I remember one time I was ill and my dad was in charge, he bought me a cream cake and I watched Goldeneye.

Good times.

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Turn the sofa in to a bed so I could watch cartoons in the living room. Toast and sandwiches. She even used to give me a bell to ring so she could come help and I didn’t have to yell. Literally never used it. I stayed with her the day after my surgery this summer as well and she gave me the bell again (I was literally bed ridden tbf) but still would never use it. Very sweet gesture though.

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