Bit late banal

Cracking a beer coz i aced the water temple and i deserve it

Sup w/ you

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Really nice out isn’t it, might get a few tins in too.
Was mooching around the Barbican earlier and someone said hello to me, realised they didn’t know me, went bright beetroot and scuttled off. Wondering if it was a lurker tbh.

sup, sat around in the park drinking rubicon instead of doing anything useful today

can everyone stop saying how nice it is please

it’s shit up here

Alright eIV? Gonna go sit in the sun with her outdoors and then eat burgers.

Didnt you have an interview?

Look how fucking stupid the reason those Thunderbirds are laughing is

I’m so irked

Cold, but not too cold.

Crisp cold days and sunny warm days.

What about Winter II?


People become beautifully irrational in Summer. They stop working, remain permanently drunk and sometimes riot.
Plus you’re not chained to the indoors.

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had it yesterday. seemed to be going ok at first, but it finished fairly quickly without me saying much, which isn’t a good sign.

Why are they all ripping into Theo like that?

I’m livid now.

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With the exception of snow, anything involving moisture is shit - Clouds, mist, fog, rain and humidity can all get fucked.

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someone said hi to me in tesco at lunchtime. thought she’d done the same but then i realised i used to work with her

are polls fully fucked or what?

Hmm bugger.

Tickly throat.

Not leaving here until 5.30 which is bullshit. At least we now have working internet in the flat.

Might have a beer when I get in, might not.

thought I was an autumn / winter person but then I started cycling and oh boy I am now a summer person


Are polls fully fucked or not?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Depends. Bit of everything, really?