Black Mirror

People* asked for back story and we got Episodes I-III

(*) - nobody asked for it, George Lucas just decided it was a story that needed telling.


I’ve decided not to bother watching any of this season on the basis that up to now I’ve found it patchy and nothing like as thought provoking or clever as it thinks it is.

Should I give it another go?

  • Definitely, it’s great
  • On balance, yeah, but you may still be disappointed (and also I think you’re great, saps)
  • On balance, nah, you’re right and the ones who lap it up are easily pleased
  • Definitely not, it’s pish.

0 voters

I mean you shouldn’t, because you don’t like it, but it is great.

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I haven’t disliked it all. I think there’s been some good episodes here and there.

Oh. Well, this is really more of the same. It’s not hugely thought provoking, but it is entertaining as far as I’m concerned.


I’d give Hang the DJ and USS Callister a try. If you don’t like them then the rest are a write off.


not sure if this place is full of Ignatius J Reillys or if i’ll just lap up anything, have been enjoying this though
even like the silly bits like the guinea pig and the dog picking up a knife
Metalhead episode has unnerved me


I liked all of them - silly fun.


Ta, that’s helpful.


I shouldn’t have watched Arkangel before bed. Bleaker than bleak, maaan. I liked it; but it was definitely one of the genre of Black Mirror episodes where it’s like a public information film for a dangerous thing that doesn’t actually exist

As I said to a friend, it took me a while to watch these new ones because - though the last series had some high points - it also tricked me into watching a really boring feature length film about fucking robot bees

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I watched three last night.

Arkangel - some narrative missteps in the first act annoyed me but I enjoyed the rest apart from the ho-hum ending. Performances were good.

Hang the DJ - wouldn’t recommend this to anyone who’s as broken emotionally as I am. I was in tears for at least half of this. Has overtones of Eternal Sunshine which is something else I’m not sure I could ever watch again. The central characters were so likeable, I was an absolute wreck. Bastards.

USS Callister - thought this was clever and engaging but too long and with an unconvincing ending.

Not sure if I’ll watch more. Still not quite sure how it’s got the reputation as being cutting edge drama. It’s just a quite good and fairly patchy show that could do with some more diverse writers and directors.

think she was just feigning being against it, she’s shown from the very first scene to be hyper protective/paranoid

Finished them all now

USS Callister - Good fun. Cast were all great, especially Plemons. Kind of feel they’ve done the ‘are virtual copies of us really us’ thing a million times now though. Really niggly plot hole, but why would the simulation still be running when he’s offline?

Arkangel - Fine. The mother was characterised pretty well. As has been said, thought they’d go more down the route of exploring her not being exposed to violence, and also thought it would end with the filter permanently on

Crocodile - Eh, all right. Well acted, well shot. Pretty pointless. Don’t understand why they wouldn’t just leave the cyclist to be found by someone else at the start once they knew he was dead.

Hang the DJ - Probably my favourite of the lot. Enjoyed the Truman Show-esque escape from the simulation, and then the proper ending was very San Junipero. Also, Frank is SUCH a DiSer :smiley:

Metalhead - Enjoyed this. Very Terminator/Mad Max vibes. Are the robodogs just Amazon drones?!?!?!?!

Black Museum - Was all right. It’s basically a remake of White Christmas though isn’t it. Found it hard to believe watching someone be tortured could be a mass appeal product. The twist clicked just before the reveal.
Found the bad guy a bit too comic book-y.

Season as a whole was all right. Didn’t hate any of them, but it’s definitely the weakest of the lot. Think they’re kind of running out of ideas and remaking the same stories again. Which is fine really, they’re generally really well made and enjoyable. Just don’t think any of them have given me the gut-wrenching feelings of watching the older ones.

Hang the DJ’s my favourite so far. It’s the one that’s most managed to successfully be more than just a premise, I think. This series seems generally better than the last one; and I’m glad there’s still the neat division of episodes with massive Americans involved and episodes that are basically still on Channel 4 (the latter > the former generally speaking)

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I’m looking at the synopsis for Metalhead and thinking is this just going to be that bastard army one again?

that would at least have given it a novelty value

also someone’s gonna notice he’s missing since he’s a real person, in maybe a couple of days tops. so it’s not like he’s condemned forever

Guess the idea is that he’ll die of thirst/starvation in the real world and his virtual copy will exist perpetually