I’m gonna run an upgrade on the boards this evening for a couple of reasons, meaning that you might see a couple of minutes of downtime, and some changes after it’s completed.
Looking at the release notes, most of the changes seem to be around the Chat functionality which we don’t have enabled on DiS, but there’s always some small things that bother people, so I wanted to flag the update to forewarn everyone.
I’ll post in here when I’m starting / finishing the upgrade and happy to look at any issues anyone flags afterwards.
Okay, any issues, try refreshing first, otherwise let me know. Apologies for the prolonged outage… it wasn’t supposed to happen and I had to dig out the server login to fix it!
So, turns out we’ve got two spoiler plugins installed for reasonsthey now bundle it with the main discourse install, but that doesn’t get rid of the one we added ourselves
I’ll need to do a restart to get rid of the old one and see if that puts things back to normal - a tonight job unfortunately.