Brexit Thread Jan<strike>-Feb</strike> 22nd to 28th

I am deliriously tired and hungover and this has just completely done me.


So we’re back to renegotiating the non negotiable back stop then.

No deal is happening

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Just kicking that can until it goes over the cliff.

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Anna Soubry is predictably on board with this

real talk, wouldn’t the prudent thing to do now be to run at least daily/nightly no deal prep segments on the bbc? if only to lay out, here’s what could happen, here’s what we can do to mitigate it. she calls a fucking press conference every time she makes a cuppa, surely she should be tackling this. would people panic? idk, it just seems criminal to be this late in the game and not even making the consequences of no deal a massive part of the convo.

If she wants to make no deal look like a realistic prospect, surely the last thing she wants to do is educate the public about what it actually means.

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i know she is only concerned with preserving the tory party as an organism now, but surely even she isn’t reptilian enough to think it’s fine and dandy to let people find out what it means when an entire nation’s food and medicine supply disappears inside 48 hours.

edit: oh, she is

she could call the broadcasts Project Fear


No because we need to keep no deal on the table because this is essentially now a hostage negotiation and we’re the hostage. And when you’re holding someone hostage it’s important not to spook them too much. This is especially true if the hostage you’re holding is yourself #clevertheresa


‘Oh, I’ll shoot myself in the head, you see if I don’t. THEN WHO’S LAUGHING?’


D’Ancona fascinates me in a way because there can’t be more than a dozen people in the country who think the same way he does, and all of them are either opinion columnists or minor politicians. You’d only employ him in 2019 as a kind of circus freak, as opposed to a Serious Man offering a Serious Counterbalance.




apparently nick robinson has done another radio 4 interview being hysterical with an irish politician

Literally not one real person ever ever has voted tory because of their celebration of the plurality of modern society. Never.


In light of the discussion last week I wonder whether we should cap this thread here and start a new one for the week?

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Probably, yeah.

Lol ‘Tory values’ in general - I mean name one thing the Tories actually stand for anymore. Used to be stuff like ‘hard work’ and ‘family’ (and ‘free trade’ lololol), but they’ve so thoroughly undermined themselves with their shitty policies and shittier conduct that they have no base of principle. Maybe they never did, but they could at least pretend effectively

To the extent that DM readers like my folks are disappointed in them (oof)

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Fixed that for him.

But, as a believer that the rich are just better than you are, in inherent structural racism and sexism, killing foreigners with impunity, selling off our assets for stripping and being able to do whatever I jolly well please without ever having to consider the impact on others, I ought to be at ease with modern Conservatism.