Building a PC Thread

I am a digital product management and ux professional thank you very much, and this is why I’m building this machine.

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I don’t know a lot about cases, but there is a big difference in quality between the cheap 20-30 quid budget jobs that are basically made of razor sharp tin foil, and more expensive stuff.

anything that costs, say, 50 quid or more should be good, you can spend as much as you want obvs.

Check reviews, for some reason there are a load of absolute mega Malcolms who review cases on YouTube. literally any case you can find will have a 20 minute video on it.

(Mine is a Corsair case, about 6 years old, probably cost about 70 quid and will last forever if I need it too).

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Something from dell should be enough kekekekekeke !!!1!1!1!1!

Seriously, I built mine (developer) and was drawn to a windowed box cause I can’t get over how empty they look these days without the ribbon cables

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The monitor I bought is one of those standard dell jobbies all offices have. Feel like I’m back in the office!!!11bb1

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Portrait mode tho.

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Looking forward to owning some noobs/a kanban ngl

Found the list of parts from when i built mine (3 years ago)

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Your pc is considerably better than mine 3 years ago

most of my issues when I built my PC were through my own mistakes. like I had so much trouble getting my graphics card in - was really annoying cos it didn’t want to go into the slot on the motherboard, didn’t seem to go into the case deep enough, was really confused. then I noticed the connector bit had a plastic cap on it :clap:

at least my graphics card dying a few months later (unrelated… i think???.?) gave me good practice at taking that out and putting in back in again

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Work paid :slight_smile:

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Actually…I’m buying a 250gb ssd and a 2tb sata drive. Wondering if I should just ditch that and get a 1tb ssd, as I can’t imagine I’ll need 2.5tb of space, depending on how much porno I’ll be downloading ofc

How much is a 1tb ssd?! Terabytes ffs!

Just checked. More than getting the two different drives. Fuck it.

Yeah its the thing to do but really who can be arsed

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Used to think this before my apparently very wealthy mates had spare high end pc components spilling out their pockets

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Maaaan the first PC I built had 32mb ram (I’d splashed out) and maybe a 500MB hdd. Had an mmx video card tho

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Built mine three years ago, it mostly all went by fine until I couldn’t get the fan to attach to the CPU, kept trying to screw it in at the four corners and it kept popping up, was at this for like an hour, close to tears. Called my pal over to help and he took one look and went “have you tried turning it 90 degrees” and that was it, that was the problem.

so that’s my advice, if something isn’t working “try turning it 90 degrees”


Just reviewed this - Could have at least got them to splash out on a stupid graphics card.

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Like, you’ve rinsed them on the cooling and processor. Why not go a step further?


I’m 50 percent owner though and there’s only two of us so not too much rinsing! Big cpu to speed up all my compiling (waiting for pc to do something is my biggest procrastination / stress source )

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