bamos is in there
i can’t do it, these aren’t funny
um, yes. That’s #12
(don’t actually READ them, for gods sake!!)
sorry, i didn’t read the bit in brackets
In which case, apologies for the blank post (aaaaaah! Foppyish! You can’t see this! lllooooooooser!!!)
Surprised that’s the bamos they went for. Would have expected something about Gedling Miners Welfare or his ruminations on a one-wiper.
enjoyed a few of those tbh tbf
I laughed at the last one but on reflection probably not worth the time I spent reading the previous 34.
luaghed at the driving instructor one
I laughed at the duvet one, the chopping board one, the surprise party one, the McDonalds one, and bamos’s one.
Thought 2 was funny. I guess 8 would be if it wasn’t made up.
Enjoyed most of these.
Talk to you soon.
Did find the Miquita Oliver misquote funny, but it’s almost certainly Wolfcastle.