I reckon I could do the David Mitchell stichtk pretty well. Could definitely do Jack Whitehall, and I could definitely write not going out. also reckon I could do a better job than Jaden Smith in any of his movies.
I’d also be fairly confident I could replace mark kermode and just talk about all the stuff he’s always on about
all of them
Alan Sugar
I still don’t really know who Stacey Solomon is, but I’m going to say what she does.
Most footballers, but not the football part.
JK Rowling
David Gandy - it’s just wearing someone else’s clothes and looking really really ridiculously good-looking. I do that already.
was the first name that came to my mind. Apart from just spouting bullshit there’s not much more to it is there?
Well come on, say it!
Being rude to dickheads.
Fucking easy mate.
Off you go then: Stacey Solomon Audition - YouTube
I could have been In guided by voices. Wonder if they made much off the reunion tour/albums? Probably not considering the drummer sold his kit
John Craven. I reckon I could admire a sheep as well as him.
uh huh
David Walliams is a bit shit? I reckon I could be a lesser version of him at least
Gloria Hunniford
Gregg Wallace
Michael Portillo.
Riding around on trains, referring to your guide book from 1423, wearing colourful trousers. Easy.