Closing Threads

All you have to do to be “worthy” is not post bigoted content, and not be an apologist for people who do.

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I think people do care, but just aren’t aware of a lot of this stuff. Like someone said up thread, we all need to take responsibility to call this shit out. Can’t just rely on you and a few others prominent posters.

I meant the people who coin the joke, knowing the original context. Which then gets picked up as a silly joke with no context by other people and keeps going.

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No. That doesn’t seem to be true. It seems now to be worthy I have to not disagree with you in any capacity or i’m going to cop it for being a sexist woman or an enabler.

You’re being so incredibly rude to me and trying to teach me and everyone else a lesson here. I’m not learning a lesson from someone taking that tone with me, ignoring the majority if what i’m saying, and being fucking mean about my personal relationships. I did NOTHING to you. Nothing.

I hope you’ve achieved what you’ve wanted to here but I can confirm that you’ve made me very very upset by your responses to me. Are you going to take responsibility for that?


Please think about what I said.

EDIT. wrong thread


I did an actualol for how inappropriate that was and I’m very sorry


spat my tea all over my desk at that original post! you should have left it

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OP has completely done me.

How the fuck are you not seeing this?

I can’t even take how disgusting you’re being to me. If ANYONE treated you like this, you’d hit the fucking roof.

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I am criticising your ex and his unacceptable behaviour.

I am being targeting by Em and no one is sticking up for me or helping me. She is treating me exactly how she DOESN’T want to be treated.

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Genuinely meo, I don’t know how to respond, I think it’s difficult to because of my priviledge and I don’t know either of you that well. I hope you guys are able to work it out though :frowning:


And i’m not defending him.

You clearly had a massive issue with me before that (proven by ignoring absolutely everything i posted to you including an apology) and have chosen to bring up my ex to dig at me even more. It’s so fucking obvious.


Look this is how it reads to me

Me- CG always posts loads of racist shite. I hate how people always give him a pass.
You- Stop talking about my ex
Me- He is a racist though. That doesn’t mean you’re a racist, but please don’t excuse him.
You- You can’t talk about him, because he’s my ex. How dare you.

We seem to be going round in circles here.

Em posted that fully aware that he was my ex in order to make a dig at me and to wind me up and her words, to school me into being a decent human being.

She crossed the line.

I didn’t intially say anything until you defended him though, and I didn’t disclose it until you did. I would rather have focused on the unacceptable things he said.

I would say that this has been rarer over the past couple of years.

Would also say that in my view Meow is a genuinely fine person.


Why are you making shit up?

Am I going insane? This is 100% not what happened and you know it.

I did not tell you to stop and I didn’t defend him. You’re telling me I dated a racist, homophobic, bigot. You don’t know me.

You clearly said that to prod at me. You’re crossing the line now Em. Seriously. You’re going way too far and you’re being argumentative for the sake of it.

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Don’t think anyone is disputing the latter.

As DD said, it’s probably best we don’t examine people’s private relationships. I imagine that meow’s feeling like Em has just shat on 3+ years of her life. I know that’s how I’d feel.