Best Comfort Food?
Chat amongst yourselves.
Pukka pie (chicken and mushroom), mash and beans.
takeaway cuzza
Beans on toast. With cheese between the beans and the toast. On thick granary bread. Cheese is Leerdammer. Branston beans. 3 slices of bread.
I want it right now.
(with lactase pills to ease the ensuing extreme discomfort, obviously)
Meatballs in a slightly spicy tomato sauce with spaghetti.
I reckon I’ve got good marbling.
Mac and cheese
Hot chocolate with bickies
I did it all for the gnocchi.
Break(away) Stuff
will expect my royalties cheque!!!
Did you make this terrible joke elsewhere?!
This is very strong.
My contribution is (terrible):
Take A Look Aground almonds
It’s baked beans isnt it?
I’m torn between meatballs and something mince-based like a bolognese or chilli.
I also love things in pastry IDST so any meaty pie or pasty is good. Except chicken.