Comfort Food - The Cuddling

basically anything with melted cheese on it tbh

Chicken kiev with pasta and cheese sauce. It has been pointed out previously that itā€™s a slightly strange meal, but my mom always used to cook it for me.

Other than that a pizza or a curry.


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Vietnamese pork salad noodle thing

Roast dinner.

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Donā€™t think I have a comfort food. I lose my appetite when Iā€™m miserable (pretty much the only time I lose my appetite).

Ruffers with the correct answer

September 2016. Quit living in the past mate.

A good old fashioned pasta bake

For me? The hottest curry on the menu. Because I am hard.

How many scovilles are we talking here bro?

or usually some Nigel Slater thing involving lots of cream and mustard.

please only address me through my legal team

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Ice Cream

Itā€™s cottage pie isnā€™t it? With broccoli, peas and spinach on the side? Isnā€™t it? And a glass of milk.

Pizza I guess

Itā€™s fish and chips, mushy peas and a glass bottle of coke.

What a shit Spaniard.

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I was with you until the milk.

I really like milk but I just canā€™t imagine it completing that mealā€¦

Roast dinner definitely