Consumables you have a lot of

14 bottles of Ribena (850ml)
70 shit rolls
1.25l shower gel
2l+ liquid soap
100+ dishwasher tab
60+ bottles of beer
Can’t be bothered to think about spirits and wine but doing ok there too

What you packing?

Alright creakyknees

got three medium-to-small tubs of swarfega

I had 100 pens last september, of those I’m down to 0 working pens

That’s probably too much ribena m9

I’ve got a pretty good stationery gig at work. Realised I could bypass all authorisation levels and go straight to the orderer and get whatever the fuck I like. Going to play it cool though so I don’t ruin a good thing.

oh! carrier bags. got fucking millions of the things.

started stockpiling when the 5p charge first came in but I’m still collecting them faster than I can reuse them. fuck knows what I’m meant to do with 500 carrier bags but I’m not chucking them. no way.

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Yeah me too

The situation is complicated by my wife liking normal and me like light.

Could build yourself a Balonz

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Ever use hot water man? That’s a treat and make no mistake

sack her off, it’s never going to work

That’s her game, I never partake.

It’s good though because visitors always want hers! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

can you not just put less ribena in and it will taste the same as light ribena

I need my hit of aspartame, japes.

Got a couple of tins of deodorant, a couple of bottles of shower gel in storage. Tend to have at least 3 or 4 tins of chopped tomatoes, mixed beans, baked beans, etc in stock in the kitchen cupboards at all time.

The parents-in-law are fully prepared for the outbreak of war - They’ve got two chest freezers full of food in the garage, and basically a spare set of kitchen cupboards full of stuff (23 tins of beans, 15 tins of soup, about a dozen jars of curry suace, 6 bags of pasta, for examples).

We went round a couple of weeks ago and there was an Asda receipt on the side with another 8 tins of beans on it.

urbanfox, I’m going to level with you, I’m not very happy with tins of deodorant, not happy at all.

your whats known as a prepper

I’ve got millions of tins of chopped tomatoes. I don’t normally leave a supermarket without them, because I’m paranoid I’ll run out.

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