Could you be doing something more constructive from your desk?

fuck you properly done me there :frowning:

Not even at my desk pal

For your FYI, you could just have said “PAC”.

not saying on a public thing.

hmmm…these books are self published. so…

well done him anyway.

I think it’s the bendy ones we voted for?

That’s right. Outrageous.

yeah i would


There’s lots of things I could have “just said”.

Such as, “Who would like another murder mystery in the shit riddles thread?”

You’re a bastard for these riddles, aren’t you?

presume it comes from the song?

Hot desk
Jumping frog
I’ll make coffee

I’m quiet at work, so they’re a nice boredom alleviator.

Is it because of the fact that because multiple people sit there throughout the day, it is LITERALLY a hot desk (human warmth, cups of coffee etc)?

OK guys here it is!

On oil rigs they only provided enough beds for people to sleep in when they weren’t on shift, so that when you finished your day shift you went and got in a bed that someone who was about to start their night shift had just got out of… and it was still warm. They called it hot-bedding. Ergo hot-desking.

(NOT fao of Epimer)

I am actually doing a backup of an online shop, so I’m kind of doing this (while swearing at Wordpress).

Er echt hasst euch.

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Drecksau oder Scheisskerl?

Well he’s only human.