Criticise ideas, not people


Are we all not just a mass of ideas?

Fuck you Ruffers, you twat


I don’t make the rules Jook
Fuck knows who does tbh

Well I’ve been banned from the other one so I suppose I’ll have to get comfy in here

-Marilyn Monroe

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don’t think this guy’s the real deal, mods please sort him out

that idea sounds like it was thought of by a cunt

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Japes has terrible taste in shoes

how come jook’s reply was better than yours?

and an automatic typo insertion for every sassy xylo tweet, lovely stuff

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God this is rubbish.

Can anyone make any sense of this thread?

Play the ball not the man, Theo

it’s what appears in the yellow box before your first few posts

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Oh right.

Is that actually RFWare?


What happened to your right arm?

is this the Corbyn thread?

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ffs theo

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