I was coming back from the post office and I wasn’t sure exactly where I had parked the car.
as I got closer, this nice looking girl came out of her house and we did that ‘nod’ of acknowledgment. I was maybe 3 or 4 steps ahead of her as she came out of her front gate.
I was walking quite slowly, as was still unsure where I had parked the car. I could hear her catching me up at the same time as I was slowing down and I felt like I might be weirding her out, so I said something like ‘look, I’m not being ‘that’ guy, I’m slowing down because I’m not exactly sure where the car is!’ in the most non-threatening way imaginable
she replied ‘oh, I thought you were sneakily trying to take a look at my ass!’
think I mumbled something pathetic under my breath, said ‘here it is’ and got into the car. she said ‘have a great day’ and got into her car
That’s not the weird walk thing. The weird walk thing is when you’re walking and start thinking about your walk style and suddenly you’re walking differently.