DiS catch up, Q&A, that sort of shit

@hip_young_gunslinger have you worn your cap out and about at all?

Good thread idea

Hi @JDonBalonz, thanks for reaching out.

I don’t think I have worn it outdoors since purchase, however, I will be travelling to the USA at the end of May and intend to take it with me to showcase there.

They will love it! Likewise I would never be seen dead in France without a beret on my head.


and a baguette down the trousers as well right? :wink:

It is true, it should go down well “over there”, but I still regret the purchase as there are other baseball caps I think I would have preferred to wear if given the opportunity.

I prefer a croissant with one end poking out over the waistband.

Got the flat to myself this eve, what should I do?

Question for @NoahVale: Any update on your workplace drama?

I got home early today and did the washing, made a bean chilli and posted on here. It’s bee/an a blast.

I got woken up at 9 by the taxi driver I pay rent to and have done similar chores since then. I have no work until Thursday so I may start some sort of mosaic made of shredded takeaway menus or something.

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They are still at it

Seventeen wanks.

I’ll be frank with you Epimer my sex drive’s through the floor at the moment.

Maybe just a dozen then.

Powerful hips


Ok, but can I still be Epimer?

In my role plays the other people are always Epimer.

Dad joke rating in here is very strong.

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@Bamnan : any new music in the offing?
@anon44830896 : how much are you paying for toast these days?
@cowcow : when’s the next AQOS?