Disposable Cameras and the like

I have or want kids, but if I had to pick between my hypothetical offspring seeing my posts about embarrassing moments or seeing my actual tits I’d probably go for the former :smiley:


I worry about my kids having the same experience you’re describing here

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As you should! :smiley: really ruined my New Years 2019, when I decided to stay in and reminisce.
“Aww, there’s me being pushed on some swings, they really did love me, that’s nice. And that’s my Christening, nice to know I’ll go to heaven. And that’s my Mum’s- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.”

Is it really so bad to recognise your parents as sexual people? Bit hypocritical isn’t it?

Nah, course not. I’m, yknow, pleased they were cause otherwise I wouldn’t exist and I’m glad they had fun and all that jazz.
Bit of a different kettle of fish to see actual photographic evidence of it though

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You have or want kids?

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Oh whoops :smiley: I don’t have or want kids

Honestly just imagining how harsh it was for some 8 year old out there going to find that post. “Oh she wanted kids - just not me :’( “


Like me with my Dad

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I used to work in a film lab when I was a student, in 2004, just when they started to disappear.

With disposable cameras you’d prise them open with a screwdriver and put the camera in a box for the companies to come and collect every so often. That’s why a lot of them had cardboard covers- they were just old ones taped up with black tape inside.

I used to do pretty much all the disposable cameras because my co-worker had an amazing ability to electrocute herself opening them up. There’s a capacitator to set the flash off, and if you open them up wrong you set it off into your hand. I don’t think it’s dangerous unless you have a pacemaker, but it stings like hell.

And yes, we saw every single photo that came out of the machine. You had to check them through to see if they all printed properly. We saw. We knew.

Someone in another branch had this farmer who had to take insurance videos of cow birth defects. After the first time the manager asked him “please could you warn us if you’re bringing these in again?”

I worked in a photo lab during the rise of digital. It was mostly banal and there was certainly nothing we ever had to report but I remember one near-elderly woman who would come in with her memory card so we had to assist her in choosing her photos.
They were nearly all very graphic close up images for her new boyfriend, that she’d ask us to add text to as well. In hindsight I’m glad she was living her best life.

Plenty of prison wives doing the same thing too