Do we all agree that Daniel Day-Lewis is STILL the greatest actor of his generation?

Found out that she’s a Scientologist this weekend, might be well known thing.

I watched Going Clear in lieu of being able to o to LT’s Scientology thing.

How’s it going shrewbie? I seem to be posting to you.

Gonna throw in a shout for Spacey. He’s done some guff but Usual Suspects, Se7en, LA Confidential, American Beauty and K-Pax all within 6 years is worthy of high praise.

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man! you need to watch There Will Be Blood


Oh aye, and I still love Fassbender!

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oh aye, fucking love fassbender

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Every film that Spacey has made since he won his oscar has been absolute toilet.

Terrific run up to that point though.

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Since then it’s been pretty much nothing but guff though (in films anyway, bar his voice role in Moon).

quite like that Casey Affleck chap. can’t think of a shit role he’s done

terrible, terrible voice though

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Yeah, I know, I’m never in the mood to sit down and watch a serious film though. Always plump for a shitty action flick or comedy.

You liked Gone Baby Gone?

Never understood the fuss over Daniel Day-Lewis (and as a fellow Sevenoaks alumni I should really have his back) - he did some decent enough stuff in the 90s, and since then I have found him ridiculously over the top in Gangs Of New York and There Will Be Blood. Not seen Nine or Lincoln, but I can’t see either of those roles changing my mind on him.

Another vote for Tilda Swinton from me…

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I forgot he was in Moon. Yeah, he’s good in that.

liked it? I fucking LOVED IT!


he’s absurdly over the top in gangs of new york, but he’s the only reason to stay watching that film for its 3 hour duration

I found his performance to literally be like watching panto…

it is a bit, but it’s good fun

This is very, very true.

Even House of Cards, which everyone seems to jizz over, is garbage.


fucking great scene, and liam cunningham is always fucking brilliant as well.