Do you like your voice?

I think I sound a bit thick, actually. And boring. Although when I saw a documentary a couple of years ago in which I was interviewed I was surprised at feeling that I sounded sane, personable and intelligent. I’d had a few beers on that occasion, however, but not too many.

I suppose I don’t mind it but if I ever have to listen to myself then I cringe. My voice is a bit lower than an average female voice (don’t mind) but I sound a bit posh even when I’m trying not to (do mind).

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This doesn’t match up to your username


I’ve considered on more than one occasion to try to train my voice so I speak more slowly and deliberately (my norm is really fast)

Then I realise I’d have to move away completely to do that as everyone would either think I’m going mad or deliberately speaking slowly to them because I think they’re a bit thick.

Hate it. I foolishly did a short spoken word bit on a track recently so I had to hear it on repeat dozens of times. I found that dropping it down in pitch a little made it sound tolerable. I guess it was closer to how I sound in my head then.

No idea what my accent is about either. It’s been described as mid-Atlantic before but it’s got a bit more Yorkshire since I moved to Wales. Barnsley with a tinge of Generic American is not a good sound.

Sound like Michael Owen. So no, I don’t.

Used to like my voice but in my 20s one of my lower teeth was pushed inwards towards my tongue so now I speak a bit funny.

I don’t even recognise my own voice on the rare occasion I hear it recorded and I hate it. Though as I have got older you learn that its just a voice same goes for photos

mine’s fine!

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I used to do bits of radio, and was never that keen on it. You get used to it though. I’ve put some small snippets on some tracks I’ve done over the last few months and didn’t have any issue with it at all.

it’s terrible and boring and several people have pointed this out to me

I did some radio a few years back, on Resonance FM. Friends said I sounded like John Peel with a southern accent. Could be worse…

My only beef with my voice is that, no matter how loudly I speak, the timbre means it can’t cut through the hubbub in loud environments.

I’ve got a weird accent that’s a combination of different places I’ve lived. Strangers always ask me where I’m from but in my head I sound the same as I’ve always sounded. When I hear recordings I sound much posher than I think I am and I say “um” too often. My laugh sounds like a child’s laugh.

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Always wondered if Stuart Staples’ voice sounds lower in his head.

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I like it that people tell me I have an evil sounding laugh.

Voice - yes
How I talk - no

I know him, and he does


I’ve got a very deep voice for a girl and always have done. One of mum’s friends saw me for the first time in 10-15 years and asked “Was it you or your sister that was the little kid with the DEEP voice?”
Me responding as deep as possible: “Yeah, that was me.”

My dad has a VERY deep voice. My mum’s voice is quite deep for a lady, but she has a “phone/talking to strangers” voice which is like 2 octaves higher. I’m somewhere in between, but too lazy to do a phone voice. I don’t really like my voice, but I’ve listened to enough recordings of it, to just be ‘meh’ about it now. Who talks on the phone, anyway?

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I’d love to have an evil sounding laugh! I think it undermines me when I say something very serious and intelligent and then follow it up with a laugh that sounds like it’s from a washing powder advert.