Do you rinse your dishes?

As in, after washing them in water with dish soap, do you rinse off the soapy residue before putting them on the drying rack?

  • I rinse
  • I don’t rinse
  • I dunno

0 voters

I think I just muddle the dishes around in the water until the bubbles are off rather than specifically rinsing.


Most stuff goes in the dishwasher but the stuff I wash by hand gets rinsed as the alternative is indeed gross


I rinse but not with very much enthusiasm or skill


I’m trying to visualise myself doing the washing up now, I reckon maybe I do it with glasses where I think the bubble might stick and leave a water mark?

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Question for confirmed rinsers: do you leave the tap running the whole time you’re doing the washing up, or turn it on for each item you need to rinse?

Rinse glasses and anything that has obviously trapped loads of bubbles (sieve or grater), otherwise cba man


Usually set a few items aside to do in bunches. Rinse all the cutlery inside the cutlery holder in one go.

  • Dishwasher Wanker
  • Handwash 4LYF
  • (Dreaming of the sunlit uplands where I have a dishwasher)

0 voters

Were I not a dishwasher wanker I would be a rinser, as I am not a washing up amateur.


Yes. washing up bowls disgust me. unless you’re just putting something in to soak before giving it a good scrub I can’t imagine how anything comes out clean. boke boke boke


Okay this is a whole new level

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Yeah. I pre rinse too (ie:wash before rinsing)


I post rinse (rinse after rinsing)


i rinse my legs and friends


and dishes after washing

I used to pre rinse then just wash in sink and dry. My girlfriend was horrified by this, so now I rinse post wash as well.

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Isn’t the whole point of putting them on a rack that the water (and indeed the soap) drips off? It’s not leaving by evaporation!


Note: at uni everything ended up with this horrible slightly sticky feeling by the end of the year (the kitchen itself, cutlery and crockery) and we used a washing up bowl so I deeply mistrust them, even if they’re fine for other people clearly I did not use them successfully whereas just leaving the tap running to wash stuff leaves everything properly clean. Washing up bowls just make me think of times when I’ve lived with people who leave stuff in “to soak” for a week or more and the water goes mouldy, or where the sink has backed up and there’s stagnant water.

I am extremely queasy about dirty water in general, it makes me feel sick.

The water is leaving by evaporation. The soap isn’t, which is why you rinse it off.