Dogs and cats

Why not a whole team of husky dogs? And a lion, to stand up to them.

The other day my cat miaows, and as she often tends to the surprise and force of it makes her jump on her hind legs a little. Upon returning to the ground her mouth had closed over her tongue, but she didnā€™t even have the ken to realise that had happened let alone what to do about it, so sat there with it lolling impotently in the kitchen for a while.

The vast frozen tundras of the Czech Republic are famously inhospitable, itā€™s true.

My mumā€™s cat who died recently (who believed he was my cat and it was very rude of me to not live in the house) used to bring in big feathers from the garden and sit in front of you washing it ostentatiously like he was trying to pretend heā€™d caught a bird so big he couldnā€™t drag it in. He was actually scared of birds and they would laugh at him.

He could open the fridge though.

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I have the joy of trying to wear in a pair of dr martens in a couple of weeks before travelling out for work, because last winterā€™s boots leak now.

I remember reading bringing bits of birds were either gifts or an instruction on how to hunt, because obviously we couldnā€™t be anything other than strange larger cats.

i really do love cats, but i think iā€™m incredibly biased towards dogs as nobody in my family had cats (my grandma had cats all her life until i was born), apart from one great aunt whose cat was the worst cat iā€™ve ever met.

also i spent my childhood picking up dog poo and housetraining dogs as my auntā€™s house was always full of them - her and her partner had dedicated their entire house, and life, to rehoming and rescuing (even had heated, fully wired boarding kennels and rented extra land so they could have an even bigger garden, the money for which came from professional grooming). sometimes they were hobby breeders and being on puppy duty was my favourite thing in the world.

anyway, i meant to reply about a bullmastif who was, at the time, the biggest dog they had. it obviously thought it was a terrier or spaniel and sat on my brotherā€™s lap when he was 2 and nearly suffocated him.


Your dog has an incredible face though. Heā€™s an irrepressible scamp from an Enid Blyton adventure book.


How is the multiple pairs of socks vs cut up feet going?

canā€™t go anywhere without people coming up to me and asking if heā€™s crossed with a teddy bear because heā€™s so photogenic :smile:


For breaking in shoes Iā€™ve found a glossy oyster card wallet can really help. Saying that, the last pair of DMs I got didnā€™t need breaking in thankfully.

Got these in black at TK Maxx, which is incredible as I can never get shoes there as I have completely average sized feet and they only have much in the largest and smallest sizes. They donā€™t say theyā€™re steel toecapped, but theyā€™ve def got something extra in the toe compared to the standard ones. Think theyā€™re gonna take a lot of wearing in and prob cut my feet up.

Got some similar to this (but with a kind of faded red/black thing) Iā€™ve had for a number of years, but theyā€™re not great in snow because it gets in the sides

What do you do with it?

my cat brings back half dead animals, which apparently means hes trying to teach me how to hunt. this is coming from a dude that throws a tantrum if I donā€™t buy his favoured brand of cat biscuits.


Wedge it in wherever the shoe/boot is rubbing against the foot. Iā€™m not sure how well it would work if the top of the foot is being rubbed, but if itā€™s the very back then you can put some of the wallet under the heel to hold it in place and then the rest up round the back of the heel.

Oh, is that the one that sometimes rides on the Central Line?

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Itā€™s the top sides of my foot sadly that rub badly.

Thatā€™s her!

Once did a delivery to a woman and theyā€™d substituted the cat food for a different brand or flavour or whatever.

ā€œTheyā€™ve sent these ones instead, are they ok?ā€
ā€œIā€™ll just go and check with Frank [or whatever itā€™s name was]ā€

Iā€™m stood there thinking sheā€™s gone to ask her husband whether the cat would eat salmon instead of tuna flavoured Whiskas. Comes back carrying the fucking cat and holds the box up to him for a sniff.

ā€œYes, I think theyā€™ll be fineā€