Dove Soap

A few weeks back, my local supermarket stopped selling Dove Soap. At first I thought they were just out of stock but then I realised that there just wasn’t a place for Dove Soap any more.

Then a few days ago I went to the big supermarket and… turns out they don’t sell it any more either. So I started searching online, looking for places selling it and though there is still one pharmacy that does, the rest no longer have it listed as an item that they sell.

This isn’t a general Dove exodus, there are still many Dove products being sold at these places, but the Dove Soap bar is no longer part of the selection.

I tried searching Google News about this but couldn’t find anything. Is this an international thing? Is there any statement of any kind to explain why this is happening?


I got told off for smelling of Dove Soap once

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No shortage here in the US. It’s a solid soap. I’ll ship you some bars if you’d like.


Really dove in popularity!


Had a real dove soap bar phase a few years ago. Might get back into them

Thanks for the offer, still got some stock in the cupboard, but will be in touch if all else fails

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Do people still use soap, or is it all shower gel in 2023?

  • I only use soap
  • I sometimes use soap, sometimes shower gel
  • I only use shower gel
  • I use something else
  • I don’t wash
0 voters

often think about soap in the shower. wonder how it works, think about how slippy it is, etc

  • Use soap in liquid form only
0 voters

yesterday I took delivery of, amongst other things, twelve bars of dove soap

we use it as the standard bathroom soap

housemate also introduced me to the idea of putting a couple of them in my clothes drawers, helps things smell nice

so yeah we now have 2 spare in the bathroom, 2 in my pants draw, 2 in my tshirt draw plus 6 wherever he put them

good stuff


Soap for washing my hands, shower gel for showering

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Dove appear to have discontinued their 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, which I am annoyed about


Bar soap all the way baby

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“wiggy, your pants… they smell lovely!”

wiggy: :relieved:

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These days you get chucked in jail for liquidising a bird and turning it into a bar of soap.

Bar of Dove for the shower, silly colourful nice smelly soap for handwashing

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I went to buy some soap the other day and all the Doves just said “beauty bar” on the packaging, and it confused if they actually were soap or not, I went with another brand that actually said soap.

Also they’ve stopped doing the aluminium free deodourant that I used.