Elon Musk ❎

Apparently he’s going to be on the Joe Rogan Experience later today, genuinely curious as to what he’s going to be like in a situation where he’s essentially going to be talking at length live on air.

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Yes, that sounds like something he’d be able to do


If he tries that they should put those kids back in the caves. He’ll never be able to resist the shot at vindication for the Musk-sub.


Genuinely not sure how this all works though, what powers does a state have to go after someone convicted of a civil offence if they’re not a citizen, or even a resident of the country who’s punishing him? They’re not exactly going to extradite him are they.

Has a toke with joe and goes off on one :laughing:


ho is worananaratarwophikkun?

Makes feminist youtubes about video games. Gets a lot of abuse.


musk + rogan = pure tea sis. steam that tea

Fairly deep cut, nm.

If it helps at all, I got it. It just didn’t make me laugh.


I knew I could count on you.


Reading Wornan’s quotes about Vernon made me feel genuinely happy for them both.

IN A SERIOUS ANSWER selling vehicles to emerging middle classes in South East Asia is a growing market, particularly I would imagine for emissions-free vehicles because of their generally horrendous urban pollution.

He may not want to tick off a major Government there if he wants Tesla to ever actually become profitable.

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Is it a bit weird of the Metro to highlight the 23 year age difference?

I’m guessing it’s relevant because Elon Musk consistently dates people very close to his own age?

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I guess referencing their actual age difference is the best way to utterly refute the idea that she was in any way a child bride.

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It was really just the “much younger partner” wording that got me. I guess that’s kind of standard metro fare though


whilst I agree with h_y_g’s post I do think they were also casting a little shade, since iirc the Metro is still fairly conservative.

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Gets past the court of divide by two and add eight by the skin of his teeth, mind.

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Whereas Musk and Grimes do not