
I’ve eaten too much pizza…feels like a Friday.

Hope everything’s ok in your world x

Not really, Bam. Nottttt really.

Evening Bammers and evening everyone else :slight_smile:


You on holiday or do you just live so,ethereal beautiful?

Wanna talk about it? You’re always welcome to here!

If not I’ll just raise a glass of wine to your health and prosperity.

Nah. Cheers though.

I’m at Mrs CCB’s parents’… They live in Torquay - grim and depressing out of season but gorgeous in the sunshine.

Ok well take care of yourself alright pal?


I’ve stopped eating bread bar my weekly McDonald’s and I really miss eating bread

Looks like a nice play to be right now anyway.

Really wish I could do this but it seems almost unthinkable.

Do you feel better for it?

Yeah I’ve basically got a shit digestive (?) system and when I eat less bread it’s better. Normally have stomach ache and bowel stuff all the time

Just back from a run, my first in daylight for quite some time. Was quite chuffed with my progress until a group of youths starting calling me a pig (I was wearing bright pink). Cheers guys, thisgirlcan and all that, eh?

Think I probably do as well I just ignore it

Yeah done it for about a decade as it’s just been an annoyance rather than life hindering

That sounds shitty but don’t let it deter you! Running is great for cheering me up but I don’t get around to it as often as I should. Good on you!

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I feel like every time someone links to the old boards it’s one of your threads cause of yr pic.

been off sick the last 2 days. both the prospects of going back to work and taking another day off make me anxious

Just got home from work, hope it’ll be less shit after having a bit of a breakthrough today. Home just in time for tea and masterchef.

@Ruffers any news from that job interview or lass you went on a date with?

What’s your job Shrewsbury?