- Personal current account
- Joint current account
Used to have an ISA when I was saving, but closed it when I took all the money out for our deposit.
When we’ve finally paid the builder his retention, I will set up a pension and a new ISA and try and save into those…
he earns more than me, so i’m winning
The Real Housewives of Penge
1 x Current account
1 x Joint current account - used solely for bills
1 x ISA
2 - current account and an ISA. i switched to this bank because they had good ISA interest rates and because they offered £125 to switch to them. ISA interest rates have obviously gone to shit, should really move my money into something that’ll actually make me some more money but cba due to laziness and i like my bank because their customer service is miles better than my old one, don’t even know what savings accounts are good nowadays if i did want to move
1 x current account (shared with wife)
2 x credit card (one used, one unused and never to be used again)
1 x ISA with about £2 in it.
2, one student account in the UK, one young persons account in Spain
1x Current bank account.
1x Credit Union savings account.