Extremely minor recent irks

In your face. You’re going to be so hench/gassy.


Getting linked to the mobile version of a page when I’m on a desktop.


Having anonymous shade thrown at me for my linking habits.

You bring shame to the name of Escobar.

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No shade here, this was inspired by @NickDS, but if you do it too then GO TO HELL IT IS VERY SLIGHTLY IRKSOME.

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What have I done?

You know what you did.


A colleague regularly ends an email conversation by saying “Thanks very much, Joe”. Not sure why but the comma really irks me.

Oh is the Andrew WK link? I don’t know how that did it cos I’m on a desktop. I wanted to embed it but I couldn’t work out how. Probably Cambridge Analytica’s fault.

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That reminds me. Gotta put this band’s London gig in April in my diary so I don’t forget. Cheers.

Even though the comma is correct?


It’s not a punctuation irk, just seems something passive aggressive about it.

Also “correct”. ThunderbidsLaughing.gif

Well, if you insist on being an uncivilised barbarian that’s your choice.


i closed the ad at the top of the page and now its made the DiS bar at the top of each thread disappear

oh wait no its not disappeared its just stuck to the top

its only a minor irk, im ok

Being stuck in traffic that’s moving too slowly to idle in second gear, but too quickly to idle in first gear.


Being stuck in traffic behind a van or lorry so you can’t see what is going on ahead (might be major, this one).


People squirting washer fluid when you are within range of them.

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