Favourite Chris Morris musical parody

  • Pixies - Motherbanger
  • Fur-Q - Uzi Lover
  • Nirvana - Panty Smile
  • Blouse - Me Oh Myra
  • JLB-8 - Little White Butt

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There are probably some others I don’t know about or have forgotten so feel free to CHAT about those below.


Sutcliffe the musical for me. (And I really am so very very sorry)

Or DJ Smash My Brother’s Face In. (Stay away from me)

Or that “Keep away from the guy with the funny eye”


Y’know, I had Uzi Lover as an earworm the other day for some reason.

So did I, basically why I started this thread. My imaginary girlfriend asked me what the hell I was singing/rapping to which I replied “you have to kill people to respect people”.

This one, yeah this one.

Shiny Flappy Meaty Creatures :joy:

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I reckon Motherbanger just about takes it, but they are all ace. However my favourite line will always be:

What we do is frankly a scandal
And Jesus’s shoe was called a sandal

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Uzi Lover is pretty… y’know…

on his radio show once he did talking heads’ once in a lifetime where he made up his own verses and it ruined me

Playground Bangaround

Still hoping to hear a bit of Herman the Tosser.

Your criticism is preposterous, the song is obviously ironic.

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herman the tosser is not someone who has invaded my own particular consciousness, athough clearly he has invaded yours.