- Pixies - Motherbanger
- Fur-Q - Uzi Lover
- Nirvana - Panty Smile
- Blouse - Me Oh Myra
- JLB-8 - Little White Butt
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There are probably some others I don’t know about or have forgotten so feel free to CHAT about those below.
0 voters
There are probably some others I don’t know about or have forgotten so feel free to CHAT about those below.
Sutcliffe the musical for me. (And I really am so very very sorry)
Or DJ Smash My Brother’s Face In. (Stay away from me)
Or that “Keep away from the guy with the funny eye”
Y’know, I had Uzi Lover as an earworm the other day for some reason.
So did I, basically why I started this thread. My imaginary girlfriend asked me what the hell I was singing/rapping to which I replied “you have to kill people to respect people”.
This one, yeah this one.
Shiny Flappy Meaty Creatures
I reckon Motherbanger just about takes it, but they are all ace. However my favourite line will always be:
What we do is frankly a scandal
And Jesus’s shoe was called a sandal
Uzi Lover is pretty… y’know…
on his radio show once he did talking heads’ once in a lifetime where he made up his own verses and it ruined me
Playground Bangaround
Still hoping to hear a bit of Herman the Tosser.
Your criticism is preposterous, the song is obviously ironic.
herman the tosser is not someone who has invaded my own particular consciousness, athough clearly he has invaded yours.