Pretty sure a few of the boards brexit voters had positive things to say about la la land. Crash has only got a 75% RT rating so doesn’t count.
wasn’t film day yesterday
was tree of life acclaimed?
I was flying about mate, this can be a post film day film thread, or an extension of film day idk
I like Tree of Life.
This is now a poll thread. Theo please update the title accordingly. Polls to be given as ‘film name: rotten tomatoes score’ followed by good and bad options
Malick’s best
Garden State: 86%
- The shins
- The shits
0 voters
Tree of Life
(84% on RT)
- good film
- shit film (dinosaurs)
0 voters
hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahhs;d\cbvjb.kl/ v.
The King’s Speech 95%
- I’m a tory
- It’s shit
- Like fuck am I ever watching that
0 voters
Chicago (2002) (86%)
- Best picture
- Worst picture
0 voters
I’d say Amelie or The Intouchables (can see DiSers being sniffy about that)
500 days of summer: 86%
- 2 attractive leads = good film
- 2 attractive leads =/= good film
0 voters
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (don’t worry about the RT rating, it’s literally a best picture nominee)
- Nobody has ever seen this film
- Literally nobody
0 voters
Fight Club (79%)
0 voters
Titanic: 88 (!)%
- Titanic
- Shitanic
0 voters
Starring that man from Gogol Bordello! The book’s pretty good.
The dark knight rises: 88%
- Good film
- I have some level of appreciation for cinema as an artform
0 voters
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2: 96%
- Shit shit
- Shit compared to the books
- Good shit
0 voters