Friday contrarian thread

I know it’s not very DiS to have an opinion that goes against the grain, but let’s try. What opinions have you got that go against established wisdom?

Me: I don’t prefer new bedsheets to usual bedsheets. The washing machine fresh smell is nice, but they don’t feel as comfy until they’ve been bedded (HAHAHAHAHA bed pun) in for a few days.

Now your turn.

The perfect breakfast involves NO egg.


Need a bit of yolk for the hash brown/tattie scone/fried bread, surely?

FYI, this is absolutely the thread to have a full-throated, two-footed go at the contrarian nonsense people come out with.

God no! That’s what ketchup is for!

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But… beans.

nowt wrong with beans and ketchup on the same plate.

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Said this before but space travel is a complete waste of money, resources and time. Also V boring


There are some people on here who I disagree with every single opinion they have :open_mouth:

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Alright Warren Buffet.

Am I doing this thread right?

My one like that doesn’t post any more. Better for everyone’s blood pressure, I think.

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Absolutely not.

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Right, nobody’s topping this. Everybody out.


It’s great isn’t it. I love @Slicky for this

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It’s not you hun.

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I disagree.

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It is pretty ridiculous that they send all that money to Mars that could be better spent here on Earth.

I don’t really like mushrooms or cheese.

ffs ahm oot

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