Friday night thread

might as well get started early

anything changed from yesterday? do we still all hate our lives?


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packing, off to trumpland in the morn in case i didn’t mention it 12 times. wife wants to eat burritos tonight and i should probably avoid beans as you said but i really love burritos as i may have mentioned previously.

Weather on the walk home was horrendous, felt like I was doing lots of little ice bucket challenges so gave some money to a big lad dressed up as Pudsey Bear and whispered to him “we both earned that for the kids” He blushed (might have been the cold as when I got home and looked in the mirror I was also blushing but I rarely get embarrassed)
Tonight I will either go out or just play my bleep bleeps

Currently lying in bed fully clothed with a monkey hot water bottle called Marmite. Think I might be a wee bit ill.

Pizza on the way, which is pointless because I can’t fucking taste anything anyway.

First weekend in ages where I have literally nothing to do :+1:
Last free weekend of the year :-1:

######hi cowcow and etc

oh yours is smaller


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Get well soon Eps

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Evenin team,
Not long finished up and in my wee place round he corner having a beer.

Tonight’s Options are:
Few beers, pizza and go see gimme danger
Few beers, pizza and go see Severed’s band
Few beers, pizza, wine, sofa and films
Bout to meet the tv who was originally supposed to be away tonight but is now away tomorrow night, we’ll see what she fancies.

This is the first beer I’ve had since last weekend, man it tastes so good


Gonna angle for a pizza/beer/film combo tonight.

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what are the songs about?

Evening all, just finishing up some work waiting for TV to get back. Need to do some tidying up and cleaning tonight as there’s someone from an estate agent coming round tomorrow morning to take photos of our flat. On the plus side, we’re gonna have take away to celebrate finding a new place (we’ve been here 5yrs+ so it feels momentous).

gonna have some sort of impersonation of a dinner, might have a beer or two, then i’m off out to see @Kallgeese’s pals The Altered Hours.

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on the phone to Amazon. chatting to a nice chap called Romeane. he has very kindly given me the full discount on record left on doorstep (see amazon thread) but I’m just on hold while he works out some fair compo for another issue I had. the cunts offered me 30 days and a 5er voucher, but I want MORE

don’t let me down Romeane!

will keep you all posted, obvs

aaah, couldn’t get any more out of Romaene. he was lovely though, so didn’t want to bust him too much. basically got a free record though, so not a bad evenings work.


Making a curry that looks/smells excellent. Mushroom, chickpea and spinach.

Off to the Art School again to see 65daysofstatic.

Nothing planned for the rest of the weekend though.

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