Friday night!

We made it! First working week of 2017 over.

Everyone still staying strong on their resolutions?

Got any good weekend plans?

Alright Bam et al

Have had four consecutive dry evenings this week for the first week in over a year. Didn’t miss booze at all tbh.

Got the parents round for dinner (lasagne and garlic bread) and celebrating a pretty decent promotion and pay rise at work. Have a great Friday evening guys

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and here’s the daily Bam cover (especially for Jordan)


sounds like a good morning!

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yeah I feel like my worst moodswings have disappeared since I stopped drinking.

I do miss the taste of beer though

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I really want some cake or something. I have none.

I have a wonderful jumper on and I’m watching In A World, which is ok actually.

Breakfast with a friend tomorrow, can’t remember the rest of the weekend though.

oh and congrats on your promotion mr. big shot!

pics of your snoopy?

what kind of cake?

This cafe in Manchester called Tea Cup does a flourless chocolate cake so it’s really thick and gooey and dense - more like a chocolate bar but squidgy. I want that one.

oh that sounds immense!

Hey Bam, going to listen to your cover upthread later on. Just finished a review so my ears need a break.

Going to have a read, drink some tea and also listen to this doc later on.

Might also go for a drink later but that is much, much later.


I plan on learning and recording a new cover every day this year, see if I can manage it.

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:open_mouth: / :smiley:


Oh my god that’s fantastic!

Where did you get it?

Evening Bam et al!

Spent the last day of my Xmas holiday getting my marking done. Just made and ate pizza which was great.

Wor Lass will be in bed in the next hour so I’ll watch some football and possibly play some games tonight. Did my regular supermarket Brewdog/ Innis & Gunn sweep and will enjoy them.

Same place as your teenage mutant ninja turtles hardhat?

Visiting my mum for a week.

I am getting a flu jab tomorrow because I know how to party, and helping my mum sort out her garage if she can be bothered. All my stuff is here in boxes because I’m going abroad for 3 months later this month, but there is currently nowhere to put it. There is also a kitten here now, because the cat was lonely, so I’ll play with her.

I’m going to work in Austria for 5 weeks teaching workshops in schools later this month (a different school each week). I’ve been sent through details of the first two week’s bookings and they’re in places I’ve never heard of before- one on the Czech border, the other on the Slovenian border, so I’m finding out about them, checking out the hotels work has booked, any nice local restaurants etc.

One of the hotels they booked is this place, which is a major cut above the normal sort of budget b&bs they pay for. I guess the ability to borrow a bike won’t be so attractive at the beginning of February in Austria though.

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You are really cultured, do you travel a lot?