☠❄⚔ GAME of THRONES season EIGHT episode ONE ⚔❄☠

Yeah, that’s why i’m questioning it in my head…wish there was a website which had a PUBLIC FIGURES WHO ARE CANCELLED & WHY list.

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i wish you good fortune in the wars to come, whiterussian.

and now it begins.




Limmy’s twitter feed, basically

I met Hulk Hogan at a…

i’ve never actually listened to a game of thrones podcast before

This. Just a step too far for me tbh.

Very excited for/about S8 though.


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im not ready wr

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we were going to do a rewatch from s4 or 5 (whenever joffrey dies) but didnt commit to it. watched almost all of 6 the other day, ready to watch the battle of the bastards today and then smash s7 over the weekend

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AHHHHHHH! :scream::exploding_head:

Alright that man that The Hound axes in the balls.


I don’t think we ever truly will be tbh

i can’t believe it will all be over by may. 8 years of my life. gone. just…poof.

hold me

You can kinda snigger at this statement, but GoT and this decade stretch of Marvel films ending at pretty much the same time is a big moment for pop culture.


vanished, a song of summer consumed by winter, blown away by the icy winds of the north, disappear’d like the vow of a disloyal yeoman, gone as if

they were saying similar on a cast of kings (the one with dave and joanna?). i never really followed the marvel movies but i imagine it’ll be hard to replicate this kind of appointment viewing anytime soon.

Lord of the Rings series will be the next big one