Gaming 2019 - New Half-Life (Some VR nonsense) confirmed


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Yeah this should definitely be a thing then!


gotta be at least 4 people who play

I think there was a thread for it but everyone was on switch and the party thing didn’t work then.

i’ll be playing on my big wanker PC thank you very much


Tried starting something up a while back if you want to carry it on.


Definitely up for rocket league. @Twinkletoes plays I think


I got clean 6 months ago!


Snarky streamer commentary on the LiS2 recap at the start of the new episode

“the wolf brothers werent safe for long bc the hunters were hot on their trail” also bc u went to a christmas market for no reason you dense bellends

Fancy feeling old?


this looks shit scary, i don’t think my brain could take it

Dread to think how many hours I’ve plowed into divinity 2 now. Again I’m in a spot where I’m underpowered for all the fights available to me but somehow you always get past them eventually. Not sure what I can currently do to further level up and get into a competitive position but I’ll get there.

downloading destiny 2 for like the 3rd time. maybe i’ll play it properly this time.
i’m EXTREMELY confused as to what their business model is. so now the game includes all the base game and previous expansions, right? the press is saying it’s got a ‘fortnite’ business model, which i assumed to mean mtx and some kind of battle pass. so what’s this new £30 ‘shadowskeep’ thing then? is it another expansion or is it a ‘battle pass’? and what does the digital deluxe edition get you for an extra £20 on top of that? unless i’m blind it doesn’t shed any light on this on the game’s steam page.
(also how did they manage to get the link to steam wrong in their launch video? awkward)

Prrtty sure you only get the base game and buying the most recent expansion gives you all the addon content

it seems to include all the year 1 content except ‘forsaken’? i just found this

and forsaken doesn’t seem to be available on pc anyway??? it’s not on steam that i can see. but i don’t even really know what forsaken is so eh who cares i suppose?


I assume it’s because Destiny was so broken they decided to make a meta game out of finding out this stuff.

IKR!!! games shouldn’t need to come with INFOGRAPHICS

going through that twitter thread it seems ‘forsaken’ should be available as well on steam today

the new ‘expansion’ if we still call them that comes with a ‘season pass’ which seems to be why the press is calling it “like what that fortnite game does”, and the deluxe edition comes with FOUR season passes. righto, think i’ve got that right now

the new new expansion is also being described as ‘standalone’ which in this context i have no idea what it means cos obviously it needs the base game to function

i am too old for this shit. bring back loading games from cassette

Bounced right off of Gears 5 after YET ANOTHER game breaking bug. I despair. It was the final straw, which is a shame as I liked the writing/characters and it was beautiful but the long empy open world bits and jank has made me just not bother.

Bounced right into: Bloodstained which I am enjoying a lot. Took me a while to get used to playing a metroidvania where you need to remember to save because death is a big fuck you if you dont regularly hit dem save points but once I got used to that I’ve been having a blast. Reckon I’m going to binge it this weekend.

Still liking Life is Strange 2 but episode 4 veers dangerously towards utter stupidity in a couple of key points aye

Avoid this game

I mean there is some interesting gameplay parts to it - just smashing up zombos with random homemade bats and clubs - but it’s the storyline/side missions mechanics that is a HUGE problem

It just doesn’t seem to go together coherently and I feel i’m just plugging along now to get it finished. The first half of the game seemed to be telegraphing a huge event with a lot of lead up - then if you advanced the storyline you missed it all! Turns out this story they were setting up was a side mission only - and i missed it and can’t go back

Save your money - wait for Last of Us 2