🐲 GoT season 8 ep TWO 🐲 SPOILERS!

Just finished:

That was excellent reminded me of that bit in Return of The King when Gandalf talks about the deep breath before the plunge or something, proper sense of building of dread. (the Gendry & Arya bit was gross)

That should have been the first episode. What a waste of a first episode that was particularly after that.

No Cersei which was interesting I am starting to wonder if the final 3 episodes is going to be everyone turning on each other or some sort of epilogue like The Wire used to do with its last episodes and this has to some extent with each season.

No spoilers… but will say that it was actually really excellent. Better than any episode from the last series by a significant margin. Other than that, happy watching!

That was excellent, one of the best episodes of the last few seasons.

A few very minor things, won’t post anything significant until the episode has been aired

tormund had me creasing with laughter, his origin story is perfect

how many times did they mention the crypt is safe? The crypt is so not safe

didn’t need to see that sex scene


Tormunds Giant Tiddy Backstory


Great great ep. Palpable sense of dread throughout, interspersed with warm fuzzies at the various reunions. Loved the knighting of Sir (Ser?) Brienne.

Dany’s reaction to John’s revelation was interesting. Seemed more put out over his claim to the iron throne than the aunt/nephew thing. Could this forge a new rivalry?

Sensational episode!

Apart from Jon and Dany’s claim to the throne, is there a single unresolved character interaction? No one is safe now!

Might have to be a 2am watch next week.

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Also there is nothing wrong with that sex scene. An adult female character instigates a consensual sexual encounter on this show and you’re all freaking out?


Enjoyed that. Decent set up for next week

Almost forgot Ghost just turning up on the Battlement was a bit weird it looked like he was just put in the shot as an afterthought.


Arya and Gendry :heart_eyes:. The nudity was a little weird though, given how we’ve known her since she was a kid… don’t think it’s the show’s fault though, just my thing…

So much fucking great character work going on in this ep. Properly teared up at Theon’s reunion with Sands and Ser Brienne.


Grey Worm is definitely, definitely, definitely dying next episode. Definitely.


Sam to be the one to kill the Night King.

Or Bran to be kidnapped after Theon literally - literally - shits himself.


I was insanely happy to see that wolf.

“She suckled me at her teat for three months. Thought I was a baby.”

I hope im wrong but grey worm and miss are goners aren’t they :pleading_face:

How will the logistics of bran and night king work when all my boy has to do is blast the courtyard with dragonicefire?

Arise ser Brienne! :heart_eyes::sob::hugs:

Aegon targaryan? More like Eggon (Dany) targaryan’s face!

Agree with upthread, they should have just bolted this onto the first episode and had a 2 hour premier.

Overall 8 on 10, hyped af for next week now. Someone told me whatever is coming is minute for minute the most expensive sequence in TV history :open_mouth:


Great fun episode, agree that it was the best one in a long time.

Tormund forever :heart:

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hope jaime and brienne get together properly. instead of just professing their love while one of them dies or whatever


I kinda like how they have this warrior’s mutual app society, feels like something more special than your usual screen romance.


I want them to bang


I think the issue people have is that they feel uncomfortable that she was young seven seasons ago and this episode she didn’t constantly make reference to her age like “OH IT WOULD SUCH A SHAME TO DIE NOT KNOWING THE TOUCH OF A MAN, PARTICULARLY BECAUSE I AM 18 YEARS OLD AND THEREFORE MORE THAN LEGAL!111”


I wonder how many faces Arya pulled. Gendry probably got a whole series recap.


I suppose there’s no time for gradually if you think you’re all going to die soon.