@whiterussian requested no spoilers in her other thread so I’ve made a new thread for spoiler speculation etc.
Please still use spoiler tags though. Cheers Theo
some fucking cunt working for HBO’s script editing department has leaked loads of plot developments anonymously. 50/50 on their legitimacy but he’s apparently hit the mark three times due to leaked paparazzi shots.
apparently one of the DRAGONS gets turned into a WHITE WALKER by the night’s king. no shit. sounds awesome but really sad.
I hate spoilers for books, but I’m fine with them for tv. It gets me more excited to watch. These are probably spoiling the book too, but they’ve diverged so much I don’t really care any more.
This is the only one I’ve read that makes me Jamie travels to Highgarden and Olenna drinks poison. The claim is this happens when the Lannister armies sack High Garden. She admits to having killed Joffrey, and Jamie allows her to drink the poison.
(I had a pet theory that maybe near the planet’s equator there is the an equivalent wall, protecting against ‘Fire Walkers’, and that the White Walkers rise up when their fire equivalent are beaten back)
The World of Ice and Fire book is amazing for all this background lore but if anything the mythos is too messy, I don’t think half of it will ever be adequately laid out.