‘Murmur’ is obviously so far ahead of anything else R.E.M did that it’s not even worthy of debate. Every time i listen to it i think it’s very nearly the perfect album, but then right in the middle the massive, unloveable turkey that is ‘Perfect Circle’.
Assuming that nobody’s going to waste their time trying to claim they released a better record, or talk about how that particular track serves a purpose, or even worse claim it as one of their personal favourites, please offer up other examples of albums that are clearly great bar one obvious mis-step.
most Beatles albums are ruined by a terrible McCartney song, eg. Rubber Soul ruined by Drive My Car. at least in that case it’s the opener so you can just start from track 2.
Les Savy Fav - Let’s Stay Friends. The first song ‘Pots & Pans’ is such a plodding joyless dirge. They should’ve cut it completely and started off with ‘The Equestrian’.