Gym thread

What’s your current routine?
Anyone use the rowing machine? I’m intrigued as to what constitutes a good workout on the rower

I got to a gym that only does classes, no actual gym shit.

Monday - Bootcamp (1000 calorie workout!) followed by a spin class
Tuesday - spin class followed by Yoga
Wednesday morning i’ll do bootcamp again but only a 40 min one.
Thursday night either spin or bootcamp if I can be arsed or i’ll rest
Friday is a themed spin class
Saturday I do bootcamp followed by Spin, but now they’ve added in peloton so I may start doing a triple on a Saturday.
Sunday I die. But I will probably go to candlelit yoga.

I average about 27 classes a month. I am still not very fit.

You go every day?! Impressive.

Edit - didn’t read post properly.


I try to! Like I book in to go every day but the reality is i’ll usually rest on Thursday eve (usually meeting up with a friend or my mum) and Sunday.

Well I don’t think I am but surely I must be. I push myself every time and I end up fucking knackered. Suppose you’ve always got to have a challenge?

In 1978, no one died.
In 1979, no one died.
In 1980, someone died. I
n 1981, no one died.


Also sure that that you must be :slight_smile:

I’m also a fucking pig who can’t stop eating tho so…

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Climbing gym 3 or 4 times a week. Have free weights at home so do a mix of press-ups and shoulder weights on ‘rest’ days.
I can describe my climbing gym routine but I don’t know if it is of much interest to anyone beyond (or even including sadpunk).

Never have I ever been to a gym

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Had a gym membership for a bit. Hated everything about it. Football 3 times a week plus a couple of decent sized runs/bike rides

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same but not football

or running :nauseated_face:

Or runs

Spent a decade in the gym every lunchtime and usually after work too. Stopped it and felt and looked instantly better within a month. I think it was making me more mental rather than less and it definitely became like an addiction/ obsession.

I still do plenty of exercise but just not that kind. Sometimes I think I’d quite like to go to the odd pump or spin class but I’m quite afraid of getting suckered in again.

the gym I used to go to had people who cared so much about what they looked like while they were doing their workout (like women huddled round the mirror in the changing room applying setting spray over a full face of makeup so it wouldn’t run in pilates etc) and guys with loads of fake tan and silly topknots.

Now I’ve moved house so not near that gym anymore, but not sure I can be bothered to go to local gym which is a mammoth council run thingy.

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Do lots of stuff, but recently obsessed with squats

Can do 405llbs for 3/4 ass to grass back squats and it makes all the super hench steroidy guys with noodle legs look on in sheer amazement/fear

Keep meaning to do push ups etc. To get a bit of strength for footy but can never be arsed


fwiw, my ‘routine’ is:

Monday: a few core exercises in the morning, climb and do a 10min hangboard session in the evening.

Tuesday: Press-ups, bicep curls, and one arm rows in the morning. Then lunges, reverse flyes, dips and dorsal lifts in the evening

Wednesday: a few core exercises in the morning, climb and do a campus board session in the evening (depending on fingers).

Thursday: nothing

Friday: a few core exercises in the morning, climb in the evening.

Saturday: ab rollers, pull-ups and squats

Sunday: nothing

Tuesday is the only day I use a gym and that’s the one at work, so it’s usually very quiet.

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I’m going to the gym tomorrow for the first time in about 3 months! When I was going regularly, I typically did 40-60 mins on the cross trainer, 20-30 mins treadmill, 10 minutes on the weird bikes where your legs are stretched out (what are they called?), and 10-15 mins on the rowing machine. I usually just set a distance on the rowing machine and see if u can improve my time each day.

I really want to use some of the weights machines but they’re usually dominated by (do you even lift?) bros and I find it a bit intimidating. So I stick with cardio, which is ok because I’m good at cardio. I might add some spin classes in.

I try to go to gym three times a week, but I normally only go twice if I’m lucky. I mainly do cardio.

I really want to try and get back in 5-aside football at some point, but I have a dodgy knee, so I’m not sure if that would be such a good idea.